communications update 02/20

The Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich project is entering its final stage: the sub-projects have all been completed, and the results from these sub-projects are now being compiled in the final project report. The project has also already resulted in some “quick wins”.

The fifth and final sub-project was completed at the end of January. In a second workshop, representatives from the relevant departments collaborated with parties concerned and external experts to develop proposals to remove structural obstacles. These results are currently being incorporated into the final project report. With the help of the advisory board, this report will be edited in the coming weeks and submitted to project management in March, so that a decision can be made regarding an application to the Executive Board.

Essentially, the Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich project is intended simply as an assessment of the current situation. Nevertheless, the following “quick wins” have already emerged from it.

New signage design

The new standardised signage at ETH was designed to be accessible from the outset; for example, the room labels are high-contrast, in relief and in Braille. Wheelchair-accessible routes will also be made more visible in the future through clear signposting. Over the next few years, the new design will be implemented in conversions, new buildings and retrofitting throughout ETH Zurich’s buildings.

Barrier-free main entrance

Before the start of the autumn 2019 semester, a dedicated taskforce investigated whether it would be possible for a student in an electric wheelchair to gain unobstructed access to all buildings and rooms relevant to him. As part of this process, the R?mistrasse entrance to the main building was made wheelchair-accessible in December 2019.

“Cafés des Signes”

Back in autumn 2019, the Swiss Federation of the Deaf (SGB-FSS) organised two “Cafés des Signes on the H?nggerberg campus. Deaf waiting staff served ETH members and guests at Bistro HPI and the Alumni Quattro Lounge, answered questions and, on request, helped teach guests how to order in sign language. Further “Cafés des Signes” are planned for 2020 on the central campus. 

“Barrier-free teaching”

At the beginning of February 2020, the Educational Development and Technology department organised a public event on the subject of “Barrier-free teaching”. After a welcome speech by Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich, speakers from the Access-for-all Foundation, Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the Swiss Federation of the Deaf (SGB-FSS) provided information on topics such as “Accessible websites”, “Accessible PDF documents” and “Sign language and subtitling”. In a subsequent workshop, participants learned about the necessary technical tools and programmes.

Public guided tours in sign language

From March to December 2020, five of the public guided tours at ETH Zurich (in German) will be translated into sign language. During these tours, deaf and hearing people can learn together about “Rhinoceros beetles and praying mantids” (10 March), go on a "Discovery tour of the H?nggerberg campus” (16 June), or take a look at “Originals from Einstein’s time at ETH” (15 December), and more.

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